Reasons for HOPE In the MOSAIC of Your Life
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Carl shares his story with a heart that desires for others to share their stories. We have each been uniquely prepared to reach people with the Gospel of Christ. The broken pieces in our lives, when we let the Lord shine through them, are tools that bring Glory to God.
“Carl Kerby has challenged thousands to walk closer to Jesus and be a bold light in a dark world. His story will challenge you to look at your life and see how God takes the broken pieces of our lives and creates a masterpiece for the world to see.”
MARK HALL, Casting Crowns
“It’s so easy to see the passion behind your words when you speak about our Lord. And now that I’ve read Reasons for Hope, your life story reflects that passion. This is such an amazing story of hope, and urges readers to take belief in the Bible seriously and to be intentional about passing on that legacy to the next generation. Now more than ever, Christians need to know what they believe, why they believe it, and then be able to effectively communicate that in love. Reasons for Hope has encouraged me to do just that and is a book that I would recommend to every Christian.”
“Carl’s new book captures his heart for the lost and his sharp mind on critical issues facing our world. He knows what he’s talking about and is able to teach others with humor, a quick wit, and solid scientific information. His story will inspire you and strengthen your faith.”
KIRK CAMERON, actor and TV cohost
“It is difficult for me to differentiate between what I have gained from your book, and what I have gained from my personal relationship with you. You truly do practice what you preach! The two most important pieces of information I will take away from this book: stay bold and be prepared to give a defense of your faith. This book will inspire Christians to do just that. Your story, from your checkered childhood to your resistance to God’s path for you, is a strong reminder that God has a plan for us all. Your explanation of how the Bible fits into the modern-day world, tackling issues such as evolution and race, is crucial to today’s Christian.”
RICH “ACE” FRANKLIN, three-time UFC MMA Champ
“From watching his dad’s life as a pro wrestler to having people’s lives in his hands as an air-traffic controller at one of the world’s busiest airports, Carl Kerby has some stories to tell. Reasons for Hope is exactly what the title implies—an open and honest story of a young boy’s journey from humble and challenging beginnings to a young man’s new life in Christ, and then his calling by God into full-time ministry. Carl’s journey and testimony provide encouragement and evidence of the power of God’s love. A fun read . . . packed with reasons for hope.”
TIM WILDMON, president, American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio
“As you read the ‘mosaic’ of Carl’s life, you will appreciate the incredible understanding and knowledge he has about the youth in our culture today. Carl’s passion will grow your passion and just maybe you will see how we can reach this Mosaic Generation with the truth of the gospel.”
ERIC HOVIND, president, Creation Science Evangelism
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