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Glad You Asked: Answers To 28 Tough Questions Teens Are Asking About God And The Bible (That Adults Need to Know, Too) - Volume 2

Glad You Asked: Answers To 28 Tough Questions Teens Are Asking About God And The Bible (That Adults Need to Know, Too) - Volume 2

$15.00 $21.99

I still remember as a child being told to NOT ask questions in church. It went something like: "Good boys don't ask those questions," or "Children are to be seen, and not heard," or simply being pawned off on somebody else when I did ask a question.

Body of Christ, we can't do that anymore. Parents, please become a hero to your child by taking what they're struggling with and working through it with them. I understand that you don't have all the answers to their questions; the truth is, none of us do. But when we don't know the answer to a question, we can set a pattern for our children to follow: Take them with you as you search for answers! Hopefully, this book will be something you can read with your children--and, consequently, you will find yourself having meaningful conversations with them!