Glad You Asked: Answers To 28 Tough Questions Teens Are Asking About God And The Bible (That Adults Need to Know, Too) v.1
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Formerly title: Did Jesus Commit Suicide? And 27 Other Questions Teen Are Asking About the Bible (that adults want to know, too)
I still remember as a child being told to NOT ask questions in church. It went something like: "Good boys don't ask those questions," or "Children are to be seen, and not heard," or simply being pawned off on somebody else when I did ask a question.
Body of Christ, we can't do that anymore. Parents, please become a hero to your child by taking what they're struggling with and working through it with them. I understand that you don't have all the answers to their questions; the truth is, none of us do. But when we don't know the answer to a question, we can set a pattern for our children to follow: Take them with you as you search for answers! Hopefully, this book will be something you can read with your children--and, consequently, you will find yourself having meaningful conversations with them!
“Bold teens asking bold questions and getting bold answers. That pretty well sums up Carl Kerby’s newest book, Did Jesus Commit Suicide—and 27 Other Questions Teens Are Asking. Carl and the other authors who provide answers know teens—and that’s important. But more significant is that they know God and His Word, which form the firm foundation of the answers they give. Written in a down-to-earth, straight-forward, conversational style, this book is very welcome and much needed for teens—and for parents and youth leaders—if we are going to have a generation that will truly ‘Stay bold’ for the Savior and His truth. ”
—Julaine Appling | President of Wisconsin Family Action
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