Reasons for Hope, Inc (rforh) is an apologetics ministry with a mission to equip believers to fulfill the command found in 1 Peter 3:15.

Reasons for Hope, Inc (rforh) is an apologetics ministry with a mission to equip believers to fulfill the command found in 1 Peter 3:15.
$24.99 $44.97
Join Bub Kuns and Carl Kerby, co-creator’s of the wildly popular DeBunked series, as they teach using the videos. You’ll gain insights and idea’s on how to share your faith even more boldly.
"Carl knows what he’s talking about and is able to teach others with humor, a quick wit, and solid scientific information."
"I like how DeBunked videos really get to the point with a one two punch. They were instrumental in bringing me to Christ many years ago.”"